Elevate with:
Cacao Ancestral from Origin Equatorial Andean Medicine

Pure state of existence, Consciousness, Bliss
Created with Passion from Pacha Mama's Equator, through the perpendicular impact of Taita Inti (Father Sun, Kichwa)
Cacao, Medicina del Corazon, hearth Medicine
HampiK KampiK / Cacao Medicine (Kichwa)

AYA Pacha was born in 2022. A hearth intuition to expand the roots of my ancestry. A call from mama to protect and steward her ancestral medicines for the healing of our humanity, for generations ahead.
AYA Pacha is made with Passion on my healing journey. Shared with the world. Starting with my family and expanding to any one seeking authentic medicine from Ecuador, Paraiso Chiquito, little paradise.
Carbon 14 studies have revealed the origin of the Ancestral Cacao tradition from the South East of Ecuador. The culture Mayo Chinchipe Maranon was found to widely create with Cacao medicine for: healing, ceremonial and nutritional purposes.
We believe that disconnection from Mother Nature is the cause of unbalances. By recognizing the roots and origin of the food we intake we honour the ancestry that gave us birth. Taking decisions considering 13 generations into the future is what Shamanic traditions offer us to evolve in harmony.
Your primal nature is to be Wild and Spiritual

Life is a wild Ceremony..
Do you believe?
dear Alchemist <3 ...

Our Ecuatorial Cacao Medicine comes in hand moulded and hand written easy to cut/bite squares of 13x13cm hand-packed, 100% organic and biodegradable
Cacao paste block from Esmeraldas, Ecuador

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