My name is Ilona and I was born and raised in the beautiful countryside of Lithuania, eastern Europe. My roots are closely related to Baltic paganism which is also filled with the energy of Mother Earth and deep teachings from the Amazon jungle.

I am a dedicated Shamanic Kambo practitioner and an artist of sacred ceremonial tools like Shamanic Drums, rattles and more. I am a firm believer in the natural approach to healing. The human body is made up of the mind, body and spirit and all three must be in working order so that a free flow of energy is achieved. Through my practice I work hard to release this energy and promote one’s well-being.

I deeply care about my customer's health and always work from my heart in a sacred space in order to help them expand their mind and develop their own intuition.

My mission on this Earth is to share love, happiness and help people to remember their own spiritual journeys. We are all divine beings living a physical life on this planet and my mission is to help people to re-connect with their own Light of their soul.

Many blessings to you <3

You can find more about my work and services here:
